Most used revisions of the FOnline Engine

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Remember, remember!
The fifteenth of September,
The commit we know a lot;
I know of no reason
Why four-one-two revision
Should ever be forgot!

SDK revision 412 is without doubt most known SDK version among FOnline community. Released on 15.09.2013, it held title of latest "stable" FOnline for many years; bigger and smaller servers was still using it as a base in late 2020.

Other than being last version before introducing big changes in engine - often not finished and/or too unstable for public servers - it's been also last release which included Direct3D client (FOnlineD3D.exe). While OpenGL client has been around for some time already, revisions after r412 introduced changes which affected performance on newer graphic cards.

Developers, unable to get status on reported issues, or lacking manpower to adapt data formats changes (maps, items, dialogs) or updating their games codebase, often decided to stick with r412.


SDK revision 391 became popular among developers for a short time after release of FOnline: 2238 sources, which used that version. At the time of release, FOnline: 2238 was the only ready-to-use game available to public and using recent SDK. That allowed to kickstart multiple projects which didn't had to worry about implementing well-known and desired features.

FOnline: Reloaded helped spreading this version, as Reloaded developers continued to release full source package after end of session. After updating package to r412, r391 lost on popularity - however it remained interesting starting point for developers building on 2238 legacy, but in different direction than Reloaded did.